
Fife Logic is a small business that has a passion to help other businesses automate sales and marketing. Fife Logic is founded by Travis Fife & co-founded with his wife Karen. Travis is a Keap/Infusionsoft certified partner and expert. Keap is an all-in-one sales and marketing software. Travis is a detail-oriented person who loves processes, and has always loved helping businesses maximize their time so that they can make more money. Fife Logic is a company that “works for you.” Leverage their expertise and find the solutions that you need.

  • Travis Fife
    Travis Fife Founder & CEO
  • Karen Fife
    Karen Fife Co-Founder & Small Business Coach


Email/SMS Marketing

Graphic Design

Web Design

Social Management

Marketing Audits

Accountability Partner


Business Strategy

Customer Relationship Management

Blog Posts

Mute Background Noise

Tired of shushing your kids while you are working from home?  Solve that problem with Krisp. Krisp actively cancels out ALL background noise!  It was referred to me and I tried it out for 2 weeks and there is no going back.  For $96/year, that is a no brainer. You can try Krisp for free.  [...]

Looking for a way to Screen Share?

Many are looking into screen share options.  In many cases there are free options for screen sharing.  Trust me, if it’s free I’ve probably used it already. Sometimes free can only get you so far, so keep that in mind.  There are many articles out there on what free options there are but I decided [...]